A Biblically-ambitious exploration of Crypto Art culture, from J. Brangold and CohentheWriter.
A Biblically-ambitious exploration of Crypto Art culture, from J. Brangold and CohentheWriter.
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- Bible

The foundational crypto, cypher punk, and art historical texts upon which MOCA’s ideology is built.
The foundational crypto, cypher punk, and art historical texts upon which MOCA’s ideology is built.
Foundational Crypto
March 23, 2021
The Most Important Scarce Resource is Legitimacy
Vitalik Buterin June 11, 2019Crypto Art: A Decentralized View
Franceshet, Colavizza, et al. January 1, 1991How to Time-Stamp a Digital Document
Stuart Haber; W. Scott Stornetta January 1, 2017The Ideology of Cyberspace
V. N. Pervushina; S. N. Khutornoy January 1, 2003Other Worlds Are (already) Possible: Cyber-Internationalism and Post-Capitalist Cultures
Arturo Escobar March 9, 1993A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto
Eric Hughes May 26, 2021The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto
Timothy C. May October 31, 2008Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Satoshi Nakamoto
Foundational Art
July 19, 2016
David Bowie and Julian Schnabel interview on “Basquiat” (1996)
March 13, 2020Marcel Duchamp interview on Art and Dada (1956)
January 1, 1962The Library of Babel
Jorge Luis Borges October 1, 1969Art After Philosophy
Joseph Kosuth May 13, 2011The Flowers of Evil
Charles Baudelaire August 8, 2009Poems of Paul Verlaine
Paul Verlaine May 26, 2021Contemporary Art is Post-conceptual Art
Peter Osborne January 1, 1926This is not a Pipe
Michel Foucault April 11, 1922Drop Everything
André Breton June 18, 2009First Infrarealist Manifesto
Roberto Bolaño May 26, 2021Dada Manifesto
Hugo Ball May 26, 2021The Futurist Manifesto
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
November 1, 2020